Legalization and Tax Planning
Legalization and Tax Planning
Specialist in companies of Real ProfitAccounting in IFRS and Calculation of Income Tax by Real Profit.
In a globalized world, a harmonization and standardization in the presentation of accounting information, or rather, the focus of accounting is the investor and the financier of these companies.
This desired standard is the IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) of the IASB: http://www.ifrs.org/Home.htm
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Currently in Brazil there is the CPC – Accounting Pronouncements Committee that, together with the CVM, publish and legislate on how companies should proceed in their financial statements.
It is also worth noting that the Federal Accounting Council publishes Resolutions, which lists all these procedures in relation to Small and Medium-sized Brazilian Companies.
With that, all fiscal adjustments of a nature non-managerial, are the object of the ECF (Fiscal Accounting Bookkeeping) which incorporated the F-Cont, the DIPJ and the Lalur.
Planning of operations and its tax consequences ias become relevant conditions of competitiveness, suggesting the incorporation or dismemberment of activities.
Studies on the adequacy of corporate structure, dismemberment of activities and partial spin-offs.
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Income Tax Taxation Planning: Actual Profit x Presumed Profit x Simples Nacional;
Monitoring of legal opportunities and taxation of federal, state and municipal taxes;
Study for partial spin-off or segregation of business activities, as the best tax option;
Capital Registration with the Central Bank.
More than 40 years in the market, we know the way to help your company grow.
We can provide our system or work with your tool.
With financial operating expenses with salaries, equipment, systems and physical space.